
Post Date:4,Dec,2023

What are the characteristics of PCE-based admixtures?

High water-reducing properties: PCE-based admixtures help reduce water by allowing concrete to maintain its workability while reducing water consumption. This is accomplished by using a slightly higher formulation of cement and other admixtures to create a denser mix.

PCE superplasticizers are commonly used in ready-mix concrete applications where high performance and durability are required.

High resistance: The resistance properties of the admixture enable the concrete to withstand sulfate attack, freeze-thaw damage and alkali-silica reactions.

Slump Maintenance: As an effective water-reducing admixture, PCE admixture can help reduce the water content required to achieve a given slump by improving the workability of the concrete mixture. This is usually achieved by reducing the water-cement ratio and increasing the particle size distribution. Therefore, this helps prevent excessive water seepage during the mixing process, which can lead to slump loss.


Advantages of PCE-Based Admixture:

Improved workability: PCE-based admixtures provide more efficient concrete mixtures with higher strength and accelerated workability without compromising setting properties. It also enhances the workability of fresh concrete, making it easier to pump and place.

 Reduces permeability: Admixtures can reduce the permeability of concrete, thereby reducing the risk of moisture penetrating into the concrete.

 High-quality concrete mixtures: Perchloroethylene-based admixtures result in excellent concrete mixtures with improved cement hydration and pouring properties. This improves the strength and quality of the concrete.

 Reduce shrinkage: Concrete admixtures can reduce the shrinkage of concrete, which helps reduce the risk of cracking and other damage. These admixtures provide the concrete mixture with an internal curing system. The presence of polycarboxylate ethers allows the admixture to absorb and retain water in the concrete mixture.

 Improved finish: PCE-based admixtures can improve the finish of concrete, making it smoother, more aesthetically pleasing and with a more consistent surface. The improved finish helps increase the durability of the concrete surface. This mixture also provides a more uniform mix design and reduces the tendency for shrinkage cracking. Additionally, it can help reduce water absorption and stop water seepage.


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  • Post time: Dec-04-2023