Concrete Sealing And Curing Agent Construction Needs To Add Water Reducer?
Post Date: 5,May,2022 When cement is mixed with water, due to the mutual attraction between the cement molecules, the collision of the thermal motion of cement particles in the solution, the opposite charges of the cement minerals during the hydration process, and the ce...Read more -
Concrete Sealing And Curing Agent Construction Needs To Add Water Reducer?
When cement is mixed with water, due to the mutual attraction between the cement molecules, the collision of the thermal motion of cement particles in the solution, the opposite charges of the cement minerals during the hydration process, and the certain association of t...Read more -
Compatibility Of Admixtures With Other Raw Materials Of Concrete
Post Date: 26,Apr,2022 Effects of machine-made sand quality and admixture adaptability on concrete quality The mother rock and production technology of machine-made sand in different regions are very different. The water absorption rate of machine-made sand affects the slump loss of concrete to...Read more -
Handling Environmental Conditions When Placing Concrete Toppings(III)
Cold Weather Under cold weather conditions, emphasis is placed on preventing early age freezing and managing ambient temperatures during curing to promote strength development. Managing the base slab temperature during placement and curing of the topping slab may be the most challenging aspect re...Read more -
Concrete Admixtures: The “Heroes Behind” Engineering Projects
Concrete admixtures, referred to as admixtures for short, refer to substances added before or during concrete mixing to improve the properties of fresh concrete and/or hardened concrete. The characteristics of concrete admixtures are many varieties and small dosage, wh...Read more -
Handling Environmental Conditions When Placing Concrete Toppings(II)
Hot Weather Under hot weather conditions, emphasis is placed on managing concrete setting times and minimizing moisture loss from the placement. The simplest way to summarize hot weather recommendations for topping construction is to work in stages (pre-placement, placement, and post-placement)....Read more -
What Is The Difference Between Lignin, Lignosulfonate And Sodium Lignosulfonate
Post Date: 28,Mar,2022 Lignin is second only to cellulose in natural reserves, and is regenerated at a rate of 50 billion tons every year. The pulp and paper industry separates about 140 million tons of cellulose from plants every year, and obtains about 50 million tons of lignin by-products, but...Read more -
Handling Environmental Conditions When Placing Concrete Toppings(I)
Post Date: 21,Mar,2022 Toppings, like any other concrete, are subject to general industry recommendations for hot and cold weather concrete pouring practices. Proper planning and execution are critical to minimizing the negative effects of extreme weather on topping, reinforcement, trimming, cur...Read more -
Revealing the Mystery of Admixtures: Water-Reducing and Set-Controlling
Post Date: 14,Mar,2022 An admixture is defined as a material other than water, aggregates, hydraulic cementitious material or fiber reinforcement that is used as an ingredient of a cementitious mixture to modify its freshly mixed, setting or hardened properties and that is added to the batch befo...Read more -
What are Additives and Admixtures in Concrete?
Post Date: 7,Mar,2022 Over the past few years, the construction industry has experienced tremendous growth and development. This has necessitated the development of modern admixtures and additives. Additives and admixtures for concrete are chemical substances added to c...Read more -
Global Concrete Admixtures Market Report and Forecast 2022-2027
Post Date: 1,Mar,2022 According to this report the global concrete admixtures market attained a value of nearly USD 21.96 billion in 2021. Aided by rising construction projects around the world, the market is projected to further grow at a CAGR of 4.7% between 2022 and 2027 to reach a value of al...Read more -
Feed Grade Calcium Formate Can Also Be Used As Calcium Soluble Foliar Fertilizer – Direct Spraying
Trace elements are indispensable for humans, animals or plants. Calcium deficiency in humans and animals will affect the normal development of the body. Calcium deficiency in plants will also cause growth lesions. Feed grade calcium formate is a calcium-soluble foliar fertilizer with high activi...Read more