Post Date: 14,Feb,2022

Use of admixtures to improve related benefits:
Concrete mixed with related additives, such as high efficiency water reducing agent and early strength agent, can make concrete 7 days of strength more than 1 times, reduce bleeding rate, improve water reduction rate, and in the standard 28 days after the compressive strength ratio can reach more than 150%, so in the preparation of high strength or ultra high strength concrete is easy to achieve. In the strength of concrete mixed with admixture improve at the same time, improve its workability and water secretion, and adjust the air content, improve the corrosion resistance, alkali aggregate reaction, improve the steel rust resistance, improve the cohesive force, this not only enlarge the using range of the concrete, and save the construction materials, saving cement or replace special cement. And in the concrete mixed with slow setting type water reducing agent, can adjust the setting time, improve the pumpability, delayed the concrete setting time and hardening time, can meet the different engineering, especially the mass concrete engineering construction and quality requirements. When selecting admixture in concrete, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of cement varieties and other components at the same time, and choose different types of water reducing agent according to different purposes. When selecting water reducing agent, it is necessary to consider economy and pay attention to the quality stability of water reducing agent. If meet the problem that cement and admixture do not get used to, must eliminate concerned factor through test, choose appropriate water reducing agent type, analysis cement concerns quality problem, determine appropriate admixture quantity, concrete mix ratio influence. In the compound use of several admixtures, it is necessary to pay attention to the compatibility between varieties and the impact of concrete performance, should be tested before use, such as polycarboxylic acid system high-performance water reducer and naphthalene system water reducer should not be compound use. With the development and application of concrete admixture, it has overcome the weakness of low strength, high brittleness and so on, and ensured the continuity of construction, greatly shortened the time limit, promoted the development of flow concrete technology and new technology of pumping and pouring, and accelerated the development of commercial concrete. The development of commercial concrete has brought good economic benefits and environmental protection benefits to China's construction industry, and further promoted the development of the construction industry and the improvement of construction technology.

Technical ways to realize low water consumption in concrete construction:
Concrete workability characteristics is the flow and its strength control, mainly depends on the concrete unit water consumption and water cement ratio (water cement ratio). When designing the mixture ratio of high performance concrete, the water consumption is still to meet its workability as the condition, often the amount of water consumption, to control the level of concrete strength is a direct factor.
Sometimes when not using the additive, using a certain water while meet the workability requirements) (that is, the slump, but its intensity is often couldn't get on, and even can not meet the design strength, this is because water cement ratio, and the dosage of cement and to meet the specification requirements, so will not be able to design a reasonable mix proportion;
Concrete at a lower degree of collapse, the strength is relatively easy to improve, but its workability is not. Therefore, in order to ensure both workability and to ensure that the strength is not reduced or even improved, we must use the relevant admixture. Many liquid water reducing effect of concrete with high efficiency water reducing agent, improved the workability of concrete, and reduce the dosage of cement, not only achieve the same concrete grade, save 15% ~ 25% of cement, and makes concrete construction, efficiency improve liquidity, low cost, greatly meet the requirement of modernization construction and special engineering needs.

Post time: Feb-14-2022