
Post Date:3,Jun,2024

Compound technical analysis:

1. Compounding issues with mother liquor

Polycarboxylate water-reducing agent is a new type of high-performance water-reducing agent. Compared with traditional water-reducing agents, it has stronger dispersibility in concrete and has a high water-reducing rate. The compounding of the water-reducing agent mother liquor can be achieved to a certain extent. Adjusting the density of product molecular side chains, generally speaking, compounding between mother liquors can achieve good results. A single mother liquor can be compounded with multiple mother liquors to achieve its functions, but it should be noted that high-quality, high-performance monomer mother liquors need to be selected. At the same time, polycarboxylic acid cannot be compounded with some water-reducing agents, such as naphthalene series and aminoxantholate.



2. Compounding issues with other functional ingredients

In the actual construction process, in order to solve the problems faced by the project construction, it is necessary to improve the performance of concrete. If the mother liquor compound alone cannot meet the requirements, in this case, some functional small materials, including thickeners, etc., need to be added to improve the performance of concrete. . Retarder can be added to concrete, which is a small material that adjusts the water reducing agent to adapt to the setting time under different temperature conditions. Adding part of the retarder will reduce the amount of concrete slump. At the same time, when compounding the retarder, it should be noted that the retarder itself has a water-reducing effect, and this factor needs to be considered during the compounding process of the water-reducing agent. The problem of water leakage in concrete is also common in projects. In this case, thickeners and air-entraining agents can be used to improve the problem, but the air content of concrete needs to be reasonably controlled, otherwise the strength of the concrete will be reduced.

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  • Post time: Jun-05-2024